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Minimum order spend is $50
Marmorin’s Photography

Marmorin’s Photography

Design is part of Marmorin’s DNA and they have been passing down their love for it in their family for 3 generations. They follow what happens in the design world but don’t just observe. For years they have been creating beautiful products in their internal design studio, as well as collaborating with the best polish designers to create works of art for the bathroom.

Marmorin partners with different designers across Poland to produce beautiful statement pieces for the bathroom, but their goals for great design don’t stop there. They collaborate with award-winning photographers who bring different perspectives on the relationship between a bath or basin and its user.

About the Company

Marmorin is a Polish company that prides itself on design. Their philosophy is centred around quality, excellence, attention to detail and the importance of design. Their beautiful products are a reflection of the power of the human mind and modern technology. Marmorin’s unique products are made possible by the casting material and production process that the company has developed.

MINERALICAST® was developed 35 years ago and constantly improved over time. The main component of the material is powdered dolomitic marble that consists of 96% calcium magnesium carbonate, which is a natural mineral, known as “dolomite” – CaMg(CO3)2. The powder is produced by disintegrating and purifying genuine dolomitic marble, which is a metamorphic rock formed by natural transformation (metamorphism) and is estimated to be over 500 million years old.  Its chemical and physical properties allow to manufacture high-quality products of almost unlimited shapes and efficient technical and functional features.

Rafal Makiela

Rafal Makiela is a professional photographer that specializes in underwater fashion photography, commercial advertising, and weddings. His works evoke a sense of dreamlike wonder and have appeared in many magazines and periodicals as both advertisements and editorials. Marmorin teamed up with Rafal in 2014 to produce a series of underwater photographs with their baths and basins.

The Campaign

Szymon Brodziak was born in Poland in 1979. An author of controversial photographs, he has obtained many international awards and honourable mentions, both for commercial and personal projects, including 4 Silver Medals at 2011 Prix de la Photographie Paris.

Szymon obtained multiple honourable mentions at the International Photography Awards between 2007 and 2010 for both his commercial and personal projects. He is also a recipient of the Johnnie Walker Keep Walking Award for “the constant fulfilment of dreams and the passion for setting new paths in the search of beauty.”


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